AAA 2022 – Letter from Archbishop
Dear Friends in Christ:
I hope you enjoyed a very happy and holy Christmas with your family, and I wish you many blessings in 2022.
You impact many lives through your support of the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA). I thank you for your generosity, your deeds, and your commitment to our Catholic faith.
Because of your generosity and that of many others throughout our Archdiocese, our Church is able to provide assistance and resources to people in need through the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. You support such critical needs as parish ministries, youth and young adults, schools, social ministries, priestly formation, ministering to the poor, ecumenical efforts, and the greater Church, among others.
And the Annual Appeal enables us to provide this support in a way that our individual parishes would not be able to on their own. We unite as one body in the Annual Appeal.
The theme for this year’s Annual Appeal is “As I have done for you, you should do also.” The following are just a couple of the specific ways you help impact lives through the AAA:
- Our new Life-Giving Wounds ministry helps heal, restore, and provide peace of mind to adults whose parents have gone through a divorce. Through tears, a participant at one of the retreats said, “…my parents’ divorce was so traumatic for me that I didn’t even know if I believed in love.” Another commented, “This is probably the best thing the Church has ever done for me and my siblings.”
- Our Human Life and Dignity programs help people get back on their feet emotionally, spiritually, and We offer support for women in crisis pregnancies and healing retreats after abortion. We assist victims of crime, those who commit crimes, and men and women after imprisonment. We mobilize Catholics to advocate on issues of human life and human dignity…and we bring Christian ideas to the whole society, not only to those faithful Catholics in the pews!
Our mission as a Church and people of faith continues, and the needs are ongoing, so I ask you to make a gift to this year’s Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. All gifts are greatly appreciated and very beneficial.
Your contribution is a tangible expression of your commitment to bring Christ to others. It reinforces the vital nature of our mission, enhances our ability to spread the Faith, and impacts the lives of countless individuals.
The past almost two years have been a great challenge. We’ve all been affected by the pandemic in some manner. Now, as we begin to emerge, there is much to be encouraged about in our Archdiocese. The support and commitment of parishioners in our Archdiocese are primary factors in enabling me to look forward with such hope. With my prayerful best wishes, I am,
Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone
Archbishop of San Francisco