Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone is encouraging all faithful Catholics to VOTE NO on San Francisco Proposition O
Why would anyone want to stigmatize a primary health care facility and a pregnancy resource center that give pregnant women support for having their babies? San Francisco Ballot Proposition O on the November 5th ballot would do just that. Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone is encouraging all faithful Catholics to VOTE NO on San Francisco’s Proposition O
The ballot proposition would require signs placed in the public right-of-way that single out these organizations as not providing the full range of reproductive rights because they do not do abortions or refer for abortion. They would also be singled out on a Department of Public Health website. Why doesn’t Proposition O require the city to install signage outside facilities that do abortions to direct women to places where they will be supported in giving birth? Why doesn’t it require such facilities to post the same signage announcing that they do not provide the full range of reproductive rights because they only provide abortions and contraception, and do not offer life-affirming alternatives? Do the proposition’s authors truly believe in choice?
If it becomes law, Proposition O would endanger the employees, volunteers, patients and clients of life-affirming, state-licensed health clinics because, by singling facilities that refuse to perform abortions, it potentially opens them up to abusive behavior by opponents. This flies in the face of the measure’s language that states: “People in San Francisco should always be able to access reproductive healthcare services free from coercion, threat, violence or fear.” Having babies is something that falls under reproductive health care!
Both organizations targeted by Proposition O help women, children, and the entire family without regard to ability to pay. Both are licensed medical facilities. If we want to create a civil society, we must affirm across the board support for human life. That means alternatives to abortion and euthanasia, repealing the death penalty, and working to end all racial and ethnic discrimination. I urge you to vote NO on Proposition O.