As Catholics We Pray for New Administration, Oppose Unjust Threats to Human Life and Dignity
On the occasion of the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as 46th President of the United States of America, Most Reverend José H. Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued a statement this morning in which he discussed the role of faith in civic participation, and expressed prayers for the success of the Biden Administration. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of the Archdiocese of San Francisco subsequently released this statement:
“Archbishop Gomez’s timely call for healing as a country as the new administration assumes office is both very welcome and needed. I thank him for clarifying how Catholics approach the broad range of issues facing us that pose threats to human life and dignity. In particular, I am grateful to him for stating clearly once again that opposing the injustice of abortion remains our “preeminent priority,” while acknowledging that “preeminent” does not mean “only.” Catholics must and do speak out on many issues affecting the equal dignity of us all, but if life at its most vulnerable beginnings is not protected, then none of us is safe. Affirming this equal human dignity at every stage and in every condition is the path to healing and unity. I join Archbishop Gomez in praying for President Biden and for the future of this exceptional nation, that this vision may be realized in our time. May God bless America.”
El llamado oportuno del Arzobispo Gómez a sanar como país cuando la nueva administración asume el cargo es muy bienvenido y necesario. Le agradezco por aclarar cómo los católicos abordan la amplia gama de problemas que enfrentamos y que representa una amenaza para la vida y la dignidad humana. En particular, le estoy agradecido por afirmar claramente una vez más que oponerse a la injusticia del aborto sigue siendo nuestra “prioridad preeminente”, al tiempo que reconoce que “preeminente” no significa “solo”. Los católicos deben hablar y lo hacen sobre muchos temas que afectan la dignidad igual de todos nosotros, pero si la vida en sus comienzos más vulnerables no está protegida, entonces ninguno de nosotros está a salvo. Afirmar esta dignidad humana igual en cada etapa y en cada condición es el camino hacia la sanación y la unidad. Me uno al Arzobispo Gómez para rezar por el presidente Biden y por el futuro de esta nación excepcional, para que esta visión se haga realidad en nuestro tiempo. Que Dios bendiga a América.
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