Catholic San Francisco Magazine
and weekly

“This is a tradition that goes back to the very beginnings of this archdiocese – the desire to communicate directly to the faithful in the most effective medium of the day,” says Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone. “The new magazine will bring top writing, great graphics and photos and ways to nurture faith to the people of the archdiocese.”

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Catholic San Francisco Magazine, published six to eight times per year connects you to the local Church community, to stories of people testifying to the fact they’ve been transformed by Jesus Christ, who are living with hope and in a freedom the world doesn’t offer. Sending you this magazine is one way we hope to nourish your relationship with Christ and the other members of His Body. 

Also be sure to sign up for weekly Catholic San Francisco updates with our free e-newsletter! Included in the emails are local event highlights, updates from Archdiocesan parishes and schools, Catholic San Francisco magazine articles and an up-to-date calendar of local events happening across the Archdiocese. The weekly e-newsletter is the source for local Catholic news and events throughout the year.


Get the Catholic San Francisco delivered to your home for free.

Sign up below and 6-8 times each year, we’ll mail you something beautiful. 

It’s beautiful not just because it’s a full-color publication that’s nice to look at–though it certainly is!–but because it connects you to the local Church community, to stories of people testifying to the fact they’ve been transformed by Jesus Christ, who are living with hope and in a freedom the world doesn’t offer.

Sending you this magazine is one way we hope to nourish your relationship with Christ and the other members of His Body. Enjoy!