NFP Benefits
- Is based on up-to-date science (cutting-edge physiology and endocrinology)
- Is completely individualized for every couple – because every woman is unique
- Is completely natural
- Does not require surgery
- Does not require hormones
- Does not pollute the water system
- Enhances communication between couples
- Is virtually free (after the initial training)
- Is not to be confused with the “Rhythm Method” (that was abandoned in the 1950’s)
- Is equally reliable as the “best” contraception for regulating fertility1
- Has been shown to
- enhance marital satisfaction
- be associated with ultra-low divorce rates (one CA study of 1100 couples had 15 divorces in 23 years – less than 2%)
- Can help with early diagnosis of up to 30% of common health problems in women
- Can be used to achieve pregnancy as well as avoid it
- At a fraction of the cost of in-vitro fertilization (IVF)
- Treats the underlying health issues – which IVF does not
- Does not require powerful drugs – IVF does
- Has been shown to be 2-4 times as effective as IVF
- Is morally approved by the Catholic Church as a means of fertility regulation
NFP is not a “product” – so it is not “marketed” (by the pharmaceutical / medical industry). NFP works with the body’s natural rhythms, and increases respect for the couple’s fertility as God designed it.
1. R. Hatcher, et al., Contraceptive Technology, 18th Ed., Ardent Media, NY (2004), pp. 792-847