Archdiocesan directories

The Pastoral Center, also known as The Chancery, is located at 1 Peter Yorke Way San Francisco, CA 94109.

You can call us at (415) 614-5500.

Download the 2024 – 2025 Official Directory of the Archdiocese of San Francisco

This resource includes reference lists of key leaders and organizations throughout the archdiocese, and contact information for Archdiocesan officials, parishes and missions, parish priests, deacons and deaneries, schools, religious orders and organizations, Catholic charities and more.

Download the 2024 – 2025 Official Directory of the Archdiocese of San Francisco

Priests And Deacons With Faculties In The Archdiocese Of San Francisco

Click the button below to access a list of names of priests and deacons in good standing who have faculties to minister in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.


Fr. Gustavo Martagon, SDB
Parochial Vicar at Corpus Christi Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
62 Santa Rosa Avenue
San Francisco, California 94112
Fr. Alfred Puccinelli
Notre Dame Des Victoires Parish
Notre Dame Des Victoires Parish
566 Bush Street
San Francisco, California 94108
Please enter a name or place to begin.
Name Place Phone
Fr. Kazimierz Abrahamczyk, SVD All Souls Parish 650-871-8944
Fr. Emmanuel Adams Saint Isabella Parish
Fr. Moises Agudo Office of the Vicar for Clergy, St. Anthony of Padua Parish, St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Saint Peter Parish 415-282-1652
Fr. Arturo Albano Saint Vincent De Paul Parish 415-922-1010
Fr. Roberto Andrey Saint Patrick Parish 415-421-3730
Fr. Cornelius Anki Saint Raphael Parish
Fr. Christian Anyanwu Saint Andrew Parish 650-323-7914
Fr. Erick Arauz Sacred Heart Parish 415-663-1139
Fr. John Ardis, CSP Old St. Mary’s Cathedral & Chinese Mission 415-288-3800
Fr. Jorge Arias Salazar Saint Matthew Parish 650-344-7622
Fr. Paul Arnoult Saint Bartholomew Parish
Fr. Alejandro Baez, SJ Saint Agnes Parish 415-487-8560
Fr. Jerome Bai, SVD All Souls Parish 650-871-8944
Fr. Roberto Barbato, OFM Cap National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi 415-986-4557
Fr. Marius Beczek,, OSJ Saint Anthony Parish 650-366-4692
Fr. Eugeniusz Bolda, SCh Church of the Nativity 415-252-5799
Fr. Gregory Bonfiglio, SJ Saint Ignatius Parish 415-422-2188
Fr. William Brown St. Monica – St. Thomas the Apostle Parish 415-453-2342
Fr. Tho Bui Saints Peter and Paul Parish 415-421-0809
Fr. Sebastine Bula, VC Saint Cecilia Parish, Saint Rita Parish 415-664-8481
Fr. Nicholas Case Saint Catherine of Siena Parish 650-344-6884
Fr. Arsenio Cirera Saint Andrew Parish 650-756-3222
Fr. Ed Coleman Saint Ignatius Parish 415-422-2188
Abp. Salvatore Cordileone Archdiocese of San Francisco Chancery, Office of the Archbishop 415-614-5500
Fr. José Corral Our Lady of the Pillar Parish 650-726-4674
Fr. Jerome Cudden, OP Saint Raymond Parish 650-323-1755
Fr. Agnel De Heredia, Ph.D. Saint John the Evangelist Parish 415-334-4646
Fr. John De La Riva, OFMCap National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi 415-986-4557
Fr. Rolando De la Rosa Saint Bruno Parish 650-588-2121
Fr. Paul Devot, SJ Saint Ignatius Parish 415-422-2188
Fr. Mark Doherty Church of the Nativity, Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University 650-325-5621
Fr. Patrick Driscoll Saint Veronica Parish 650-588-1455
Fr. Eduardo Dura Saint Augustine Parish 650-873-2282
Fr. Bonifacio Espeleta Saint Robert Parish 650-589-2800
Fr. Michael Evernden Old St. Mary’s Cathedral & Chinese Mission 415-288-3800
Fr. Cameron Faller Office of Vocations, Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Archdiocese of San Francisco Chancery 415-614-5683
Fr. Kyle Faller Church of the Nativity 650-323-7914
Fr. Mario Farana St. James Parish, Saint Paul Parish, St. Philip the Apostle Parish 415-648-7538
Fr. Marvin Felipe Saint Thomas More Parish, Church of the Epiphany 415-452-9634
Fr. Jerome Foley Saint Peter Parish 650-359-6313
Fr. Francis Garbo Mission Dolores Basilica 415-621-8203
Fr. Rufino Gepiga Saint Matthew Parish 650-593-6157
Fr. Jerald Geronimo Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption 415-567-2020
Fr. David Ghiorso Saint Charles Parish, St. Matthias Church 650-591-7349
Fr. Andrew Ginter Archdiocese of San Francisco Chancery, Office of Vocations (415) 614-5566
Fr. Joseph Glynn, CSSp Saint Dunstan Parish 650-697-4730
Fr. Juan Gonzalez, SM Notre Dame Des Victoires Parish 415-397-0113
Fr. Youngsaeng (Paul) Goo Saint Michael Korean Parish 415-333-1194
Fr. Lawrence Goode Saint Francis of Assisi Parish 650-322-2152
Fr. Michael Greenwell, O.Carm St. Teresa of Avila Parish 415-285-5272
Fr. Roger Gustafson Saint Hilary Parish 415-435-1122
Fr. Armando Gutierrez, JCD Metropolitan Tribunal – Chancery Of Archdiocese Of San Francisco, Saint Peter Parish 415-282-1652
Fr. Brendan Hally Saint Dunstan Parish 650-697-4730
Fr. Thomas Hamilton Saint Gabriel Parish 415-731-6161
Fr. John Hardin, OFM Saint Boniface Parish 415-863-7515
Fr. Michael Healy Saint Vincent De Paul Parish 415-922-1010
Fr. Gregory Heidenblut, OSA Office of ongoing Formation for Priests, Office of the Vicar for Clergy, Notre Dame Des Victoires Parish 415-397-3217
Fr. Thuan Hoang, JCL Metropolitan Tribunal – Chancery Of Archdiocese Of San Francisco, Church of the Visitacion (415) 614- 5692; (415) 494-5517
Fr. Joseph Homick, COSJ Mater Dolorosa Parish 650-583-4131
Fr. Gregory Houck, OCarm St. Teresa of Avila Parish 415-285-5272
Fr. Stephen Howell Archdiocese of San Francisco, Office of the Vicar General 415-614-5611
Fr. Michael Hurley, OP Saint Dominic’s Catholic Church 415-567-7824
Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Saint Paul of the Shipwreck Parish 415-285-3377
Fr. Stephen Idoko, VC Saint Matthew Parish
Fr. Manuel Igrobay Saint Luke Parish, St. Timothy Catholic Church 650-342-2468
Fr. Joseph Illo Star of the Sea Parish 415-751-0450
Fr. Narcis Kabipi Saint John of God Parish 415-566-5610
Fr. Vincent Kelber, OP Saint Dominic’s Catholic Church 415-567-7824
Fr. Kevin Kennedy Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, Our Lady of Fatima Russian Byzantine Catholic Parish 415-752-2052
Fr. Michael Konopik Star of the Sea Parish 415-751-0450
Fr. Michael Kwiecien St. Teresa of Avila Parish 415-285-5272
Fr. Raphael Laizer Saint Finn Barr Parish 415-421-3730
Fr. Dominic Lee Saint Mark Parish 650-591-5937
Fr. Alex Legaspi Holy Angels Parish 650-755-0478
Fr. James Liebner, SDV Saint Paul Parish, St. James Parish, St. Philip the Apostle Parish 415-648-7538
Fr. Michael Liliedahl Saint Stephen Parish 415-681-2444
Fr. Felix Lim Saint Anthony of Padua Parish 415-883-2177
Fr. Matthew Link, CCPS Most Holy Redeemer Parish 415-863-6259
Fr. Edward Liptak Corpus Christi Parish 415-585-2991
Fr. Juan Lopez Church of the Assumption of Mary Parish 707-878-2208
Fr. Deyvis Lopez-Jarquin St. Anthony of Padua Parish, St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Saint Peter Parish
Fr. Jerome Magat Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University 650-366-3802
Fr. Teodoro Magpayo Saint Patrick Parish 415-421-3730
Fr. Michael Mahoney, OFM Cap Our Lady of Angels Parish 650-347-7768
Fr. Gustavo Martagon, SDB Corpus Christi Parish 415-585-2991
Fr. Thomas Martin St. Pius Church, Saint Anthony Parish 650-361-1411 x117
Fr. Mark Mazza Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 650-593-6157
Fr. William McCain Saint Finn Barr Parish 415-333-3627
Fr. Brian McKenna Our Lady of Angels Parish 650-347-7768
Fr. Joseph McLaughlin Notre Dame Des Victoires Parish 415-397-0113
Fr. David Mees Saint Catherine of Siena Parish 650-344-6884
Fr. Albert Mengon Saints Peter and Paul Parish 415-421-0809
Fr. Patrick Michaels Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, St. Mary Star of the Sea 415-388-4190
Fr. Jerome Murphy St. Monica – St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Saint Anselm Parish 415-461-0704
Fr. Samuel Musiimenta St. Matthias Church, Saint Charles Parish 650-591-7349
Fr. Alner Nambatac Our Lady of Mercy Parish 650-342-2468
Fr. Daniel Nascimento Saint Anne of the Sunset Parish 415-665-1600
Fr. Khoa Nguyen Saint Patrick’s Seminary & University 650-325-5621
Fr. Linh Tien Nguyen Saint Bartholomew Parish 650-347-0701
Fr. Te Van Nguyen St. Monica – St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Saint John of God Parish 415-387-5545
Fr. Toan Nguyen Saint Catherine of Siena Parish 650-344-6884
Fr. John Nguyen, OFM Saint Boniface Parish 415-863-7515
Fr. Vien Nguyen, SDB Saints Peter and Paul Parish 415-421-0809
Fr. Martin Njoalu, VC Saint Cecilia Parish, Saint Rita Parish 650-873-2282
Fr. Henryk Noga, SVD Saint Kevin Parish 415-648-5751
Fr. Stephen Nwankwo St. Anthony of Padua Parish, St. Charles Borromeo Parish
Fr. W. O’Dell Saint Denis Parish 650-854-5976
Fr. Cyril O’Sullivan Saint Isabella Parish 415-479-1560
Fr. Clement Okeke Our Lady of Loretto Parish 415-897-2171
Fr. Chinonso Ugonna Okoroichi Holy Angels Parish 650-488-0240
Fr. Patrick Okoye St. Pius Church 650-361-1411
Fr. Domingo Orimaco Our Lady of Mercy Parish 650-755-2727
Fr. Oliver Ortese Saint Veronica Parish 650-345-8506
Msgr. Michael Padazinski Saint Patrick Parish, Archdiocese of San Francisco Chancery, Office of Chancellor (415) 924-0600 (St. Patrick); (415) 614-5619 (Chancery)
Fr. Luello Palacpac Saint Raphael Parish 415-454-8141
Fr. Vito Perrone, COSJ Mater Dolorosa Parish 415-823-3256
Fr. Ngoan Phan Saint Dunstan Parish 415-488-9799