Divorced Catholics
The Church is definitely against divorce, and divorced people are strongly against divorce as well, but the Church isn’t against divorced people.
Fr Al Grosskopf, SJ
The Archdiocese of San Francisco has a special ministry for men and women who have experienced the pain of separation and divorce. We believe that the Church has a rich treasury of people, Holy Scripture, tradition, and pastoral ministry on which it can draw to serve its members whose marriages end in divorce.
We strive to lay open this wealth and make known Christ’s abundant healing love so that all who suffer from separation and divorce might experience healing, reconciliation, and new life. We also recognize that separated and divorced people, through their vulnerability, suffering, courage, faithfulness, and patient endurance bear witness to Christ and his redeeming grace in the world. They are not mere recipients of the Church’s compassion; they are as well, ministers of that compassion.
The aims of the groups are:
1) To connect those in need of healing and support with those who have walked in their shoes & can help guide them along the way and share their experiences.
2) To help divorced individuals deal with all the typical feelings of loss, failure and loneliness.
3) To help educate those who are dealing with this situation on the Church’s views and teachings
— Un grupo que habla español se reúne en la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Loretto el 3o viernes cada mes, a las 7:00pm. Por favor, contacta a Victoria (702-460-3116).
Many resources
Many resources, Q/A, etc. from Rose Sweet
(N American Conference of Separated & Divorced Catholics) – national ministry; members receive the journal, Jacob’s Well);
Lisa is another Catholic writer on the topic of divorce, many resources on her website
Beginning Experience weekend experience.
More from Rose Sweet
They have monthly online seminars; their work has been recommended to me
What does the Church really say about divorce?
Pope Francis to divorced women
Divorced Catholics praise Pope Francis
Why stay Catholic through a divorce? One woman’s meditation on divorce and the Church