Zoom presentation of TeenSTAR
On June 6, 2023 at 2:00 pm we will offer a ZOOM PRESENTATION ON TeenSTAR with Molly Daley, J.D., previously in the San Francisco archdiocese and a popular visiting speaker at St. Patrick’s Seminary.
She will present on what TeenSTAR is and why it is both important and very useful for our youth.
Molly has worked with Deacon Santiago Molina, the Executive Director of TeenSTAR, and taught TeenSTAR in Catholic schools on the East Coast. Molly is articulate, personable, and seasoned.
TeenSTAR can be an antidote for parents concerned about the state of California and its obsession with sexualizing children, including the 2016 California Healthy Youth Act.
The curriculum can be taught by teachers in a school setting, but also by trained parents, catechists, etc. We will offer a live teacher training on Aug 5/6 in the Archdiocese.