Father Mark Doherty installed as pastor of Church of the Nativity parish in Menlo Park
On August 14, the eve of the solemnity of the Assumption, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone installed Father Mark Doherty as pastor of the Church of the Nativity. The Mass also came as Nativity School began their school year the following day on August 15.
The celebration integrated all aspects of the Catholic community in Menlo Park including St. Patrick’s Seminary & University, Vallombrosa Retreat Center, and a Dominican presence with Dominican Father Jerome Cudden, pastor of St. Raymond of Penafort Church in Menlo Park.
In his homily, Archbishop Cordileone spoke on the significance of the Assumption and our Lady’s role as Disciple of her Son.
“She’s our mother then, but our mother in order to make us disciples of her son, which means that the essence of her discipleship is found in her motherhood, said Archbishop Cordileone. “She mothered the first disciples forming them into a community of disciples, and she continues to do that for us from heaven. She does so because discipleship can only exist in community. The Church is a community of disciples. We’re not disciples individually isolated from each other, but in community. It is in that community of disciples where the faith is taught, nourished and strengthened, and from where the disciples then go out to fulfill the great commission to make disciples of all nations.”
The Archbishop thanked parishioners for being a “beacon of a vibrant parish in the life of our Archdiocese.”
“I’m grateful for all you have accomplished here, especially under the leadership of Monsignor Otellini,” said Archbishop Cordileone. “You’ve been a real example in our Archdiocese and the fruits shown here at Nativity Parish. I want to take this opportunity to thank you and to also thank Father Doherty for accepting this assignment to come here to Nativity. I’m very confident in Father Doherty’s ability to continue what has been established here for the continued growth and flourishing of this parish into the future.”
Following Mass, the parish community gathered for a vibrant celebration in the courtyard.