“I believe”: What the Nicene Creed, St. Paul’s Conversation and St. Martha’s faith tell us about Christian Unity

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone and Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Gerasimos joined together in prayer during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on January 23 at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Redwood City. Archbishop Cordileone led Solemn Vespers and Metropolitan Gerasimos delivered the homily. The event marks the 19th year that the Archdiocese of San Francisco and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco have come together in prayer to pray for unity.

The prayers for Vespers came from the feast of the conversation of St. Paul, the traditional end to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Using St. Paul’s transformation after Jesus’ dramatic intervention in his life and the “I believe” statement of St. Martha in John’s Gospel, Metropolitan Gerosimos spoke on the importance of faith in his homily, linking it to the Nicene Creed which has its 1700th anniversary this year. 

Watch Solemn Vespers and listen to the Metropolitan’s full homily below:

Photos: John Bartolome