The True Story Of a Miracle:

Mayline Tran and Pauline Jaricot

May 28, 2012 – The Misfortunate Accident

Little Mayline Tran was 3 ½ years old. She was a cheerful child, like her sister Lou-Anh.

On the evening of May 29, 2012, the Tran family was enjoying an evening dinner, beginning with some appetizers. When her turn came, Mayline grabbed a small sausage and before her parents could react, she began to choke on the food. Despite their best efforts, her parents were unable to get her spit out the bit of sausage she had swallowed. Her father Emmanuel recounted:

“I saw her dead in my arms; her eyes were deep and empty, like the eyes of someone who had died. Being trained in first aid, I did everything to try to resuscitate her”.

When the ambulance and emergency medics arrived, they began to massage her heart to re-animate her. They managed to resuscitate her a few times, but her heart did not stabilize. She was then taken to the hospital, accompanied by her parents.

Upon arrival at the hospital, seeing their desperation, one of the emergency crew told them that they could kiss her. Mayline’s mother Nathalie took this as a sign that all was well and that the child was out of danger. She began to stroke Maline’s hair and cover her with kisses:
“I love you Mayline. I love you. It’s your mommy!”
“We all love you Mayline, be strong, and fight Mayline. You can hear us, fight!”

The gurney with little Mayline moved on under the blinding light of the ER hallway and then it disappeared into a room. The ambulance doctor gave the parents the first report after closing the door.

Mayline was in a Glasgow Level 3 brain state. She had had multiple cardiorespiratory arrests along with cerebral anoxia. Emmanuel, her father, would later learn that the Glasgow scale measures the condition of a person’s brain. It ranges from 3 to 15. Glasgow level 3 corresponds to a brain-dead state. Anoxia means oxygen deprivation to the brain.

A nurse came out and suggested that they wait on a bench in the hallway in front of the door behind which Mayline’s life was failing, constantly flirting with death. They were told that Mayline had another cardiac arrest and needed to be “stabilized” before being transferred.

Her parents were baffled:
– What do you mean by another cardiac arrest?
– I think they are having trouble stabilizing her.
– But she just choked on a piece of food.
– Why is she having cardiac arrests?
– I don’t know, Nathalie.
The ER doctor then announced that she would be taken to another department, as she was in a deep coma and on cardiopulmonary assistance and artificial feeding.
– We’re taking her to the resuscitation department where they can take care of her.
– Please take the elevator at the end of the hallway; it’s on the 8th floor.

When they arrived on the 8th floor, Emmanuel and Nathalie were a little lost. Without any additional information, they went into a room with a bed and anxiously awaited news. Then, the doctor came in and said:
– We’re taking care of your daughter.
– Stay here and I’ll be back to update you on her condition.
– But why is it so complicated? She just choked on some food! Nathalie repeated.

After a while, the doctor returned and said that it is difficult to keep little Mayline alive. The heart stimulation treatment had led to a pulmonary embolism with strong convulsions as soon as the treatments were terminated.
– But she just swallowed wrongly! Nathalie repeated.
It was a long and sleepless night for Emmanuel and Nathalie.

The doctors would regularly come and go, in and out of the small room, to check on Mayline’s condition. It was very serious. Then, one of the doctors sat on a stool and introduced himself. He began to discuss the results of the tests, assuring the parents that they were doing everything possible for Mayline. Speaking quietly, calmly and respectfully, but in an almost detached manner, the doctor continued:
– Mayline has had several more cardiac arrests and she has had several seizures.
– Her brain is in pain.
The doctor continued to go over the steps he had put in place to save her life. However, he was not sure if she would last the night:
Mayline is on atropine and adrenaline.
We have increased her pulse rate to 205 per minute to get her heart going again.
She also has a pulmonary embolism, and we need to empty her lungs of fluid.
We are sending pulsating air into her lungs and you will see her body vibrate, but don’t be afraid. This is a natural consequence of the necessary actions taken to save her lungs.
You can now go in to see her now, if you like.
Emmanuel and Nathalie were in shock. They could not utter a single word.
Mayline was lying on her bed, convulsing and strapped down for safety. The wall was full of electronic equipment: syringe pumps, sensors, control screens and pipes coming out of the wall directed at Mayline, penetrating under her gown, through its sleeves, through her nose, through her legs. There was no more room on the bed for extra tubes. All those catheters on the left and right ripped into Mayline’s soft skin. The respirator was pressing on her mouth, sticky pads on her head. There were all sorts of noises everywhere: beeping, different sounds, the respirator on the left making a big racket, and then the rhythmic plopping of the pump that was emptying blood from her lungs. Mayline was shaking from the constriction of all these machines. There was just too much noise.
Mayline, we are here; your mommy and daddy. Can you hear us Mayline?
We love you Mayline. We will be here all the time. Don’t worry. Okay?
Mayline, you have to fight, you have to be strong!
Then, Emmanuel and Nathalie were sent back to their small room, to wait.
Finally, news arrived in the early morning. The doctor returned and informed them:
Mayline seems to be stable for the moment. You can go home and get some sleep.
At the insistence of the doctor, Emmanuel and Nathalie agreed to go home.
Mayline was in kindergarten at the Cours Diot in Lyon (France), where Pauline Jaricot, foundress of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and the Living Rosary was born over two hundred years ago.
When the school principal, Mayline’s teacher, and the entire student body and staff heard about what happened, they were shocked. The parents of the children were especially concerned, because Alix’s parents had already lost two children.
The school had an idea. It was the 150th anniversary of Pauline Jaricot’s passing from this life. Why not have the school pray a novena to Pauline, asking for her intercession? Everyone, including the school principal was enthusiastic about the idea of asking Pauline Jaricot for Mayline’s recovery. Perhaps God would work a miracle through Pauline’s intercession!
On June 23, 2012, at the conclusion of the novena, the school celebrated a feast. All the participants recited the novena prayer at the daily Eucharistic celebration, in which with Emmanuel and Nathalie Tran also participated. At the same time, the Missionaries of the Living Rosary (an initiative created in 2005 and encouraged by the Archbishop of Lyon, Cardinal Barbarin, who was keenly interested in Pauline Jaricot’s legacy) also prayed for Mayline’s recovery, as did many others near and far. It was a veritable chain of prayers, an expression of the communion of saints at work!

G+10 – The Doctors and their Diagnosis

Mayline had been in intensive care for ten days now. She was no longer on a respirator or on a pulmonary drain. The machines had evacuated all of the blood from her lungs and the tubes were removed placidly as her lungs took over naturally and began working on their own again. Her heart had begun to work again and was exhibiting normal values. The wall full of machinery was gone. There was no further need for mechanical substitutes; no more need for extraordinary medical interventions. However, Mayline was still unconscious and hooked up to some catheters and equipped with a nasogastric tube.

In fact, in Emmanuel and Nathalie’s eyes, Mayline’s childhood beauty had returned.
In spite of this apparently encouraging situation, meetings with the doctors multiplied, who seemed to be repeating the same regarding Mayline’s clinical condition, emphasizing that the test results were overwhelming. . Although the doctors took into consideration the Tran family’s condition, these encounters were exhausting for Emmanuel and Nathalie. They would avoid scheduled appointments whenever they could. Instead, they would run to the hospital to be with Mayline. They had no more strength or desire to endure listening to doctors giving them the same speeches, asking them to understand that they would soon have to stop treatment.
This time it looked very serious. Everyone seemed to have been present: the head of the intensive care unit, his assistant, a nurse, all sitting around a table with a box of tissues in the corner. After the formalities, the words spoken were heavy, unreal, and unbearable.
Emmanuel and Nathalie were speechless.
Under such conditions and in light of clinical and biological findings, the Leonetti Act allows us to forego any more resuscitation maneuvers in case of infection or any other event.
We suggest that you have the feeding tube removed because it is likely that she will have a cardiac arrest in a few days, or even sooner if we increase the dosage of morphine.
– In fact, the feeding tube is the only thing that is keeping her alive.
Emmanuel and Nathalie were stunned by these words and this proposal.
They were speechless. The pain and sadness were overwhelming.
They understood, but remained silent. Finally, Emmanuel broke the heavy silence.
You mean Mayline is to starve to death?!!!
She will not feel any hunger, nor will she suffer.
We can accompany her in a way that she will neither need nor feel
-Yes, but she will starve to death!
No, you do not die of hunger in a few short hours. It days of withering away and other horrible changes. NO, impossible!
The doctor overseeing Mayline, resumed going over the results of the tests in detail, announcing the absence of the N2O brain wave, which determines whether a patient lives or dies. It travels through the gray nuclei of the base of the brain, allowing it to transmit information to the rest of the body. Mayline’s brain had suffered greatly and now had many necrotic lesions. When patients lose this wave only on one side of the brain, survival is still possible, though with complications. However, in Mayline’s case, this wave was non-existent on one side of the brain and was barely noticeable on the other side.
Ok, but can this situation san change, progress? No?
Yes, certainly.
Emmanuel e Nathalie felt relieved with a sense of hope, shattered by the
doctor’s next word.
But this progress can only be negative. The situation can get worse, never better.
The N20 wave can deteriorate, but can never return.
OK, and if there is no more N20 wave, what then?
-Then she dies in a few days or a few weeks at best.
Then, there is no hurry, responded Emmanuel and Nathalie, breaking out into tears.

However, even though Mayline’s fate seemed certain, not enough time had passed since the accident. They needed more time, and Nathalie exclaimed categorically:

We cannot approve of such a decision in haste. No, impossible! We want to make an appointment with the Professor in charge of the department to make sure we understand you correctly.

Another meeting took place the following day, in the Professor’s bustling office, filled with files. The Professor employed all his medical training and techniques of persuasion. Using simple words to explain Mayline’s condition he affirmed:

Mayline is “still here,” but in a world of her own. She will never be able to communicate with you again. Any “evolution” remains unlikely and in any case, she will remain extremely weak.

He then recapitulated the results of the examinations, underlining the rapid deterioration, the level 3 Glasgow scale, the bilateral loss of the N20 wave and the absence of recovery potential.

Yes, we are well aware of these results. But she’s crying, that’s not

Yes, indeed, but coma patients can cry, laugh, without these reactions hinting that the patient is coming out of the coma. The body simply reacts with reflex actions.

Then the Professor invited Emmanuel and Nathalie to think about the end-of-life project and the protocols that would supposedly provide a more peaceful death for Mayline.
How can one call killing a child a “project”!!!? Such a poor choice of words: insensitive without any concern for the deep feeling Mayline’s parents were experiencing.
Emmanuel and Nathalie categorically refuse this “project”.

J+12 – A different option – LOVE!

Days passed, filled with pain, sadness and helplessness, but hope remained. However, Emmanuel could no longer remain in Lyon. He had asked to extend his “vacation” planned for the move, to be able to stay and wait for Mayline to wake up, but it was taking too long. He had to return to work in Paris; his duties left him no choice. During the week, he would be in Paris and on weekends, he would return to Lyon, as before.

It was then that the parents of children in Mayline’s school, in agreement with the Archbishop of Lyon, organized a novena to Pauline-Marie Jaricot, asking her intercession to save and heal Mayline. Thus, on June 15, 2012, the novena began; a beautiful initiative filled with love and compassion. The novena was celebrated daily at Mass in the parish Church and at home in the evenings by the families of the schoolchildren, friends and even complete strangers. Emmanuel and Nathalie prayed the novena several times a day.

Every weekend, the doctors continued to encourage the parents to end Mayline’s life, but Nathalie and Emmanuel consistently refused. The move to the south was looming.

This is not a problem. We can take care of the repatriation of Mayline in
the south to allow you to proceed with the funeral in Mandelieu.

Yet Mayline’s condition was finally stable. She no longer needed to stay in the pediatric intensive care unit and occupy a bed that someone else may have needed. She was therefore moved to the neuro-pediatric ward.

Unfortunately, Mayline’s seizures remained unabated. She continued to try to pull at her nasogastric tube and had no control over her shaking limbs, whose movements were not only uncontrollable but also disjointed in the sense that her limbs no longer bended in the normal direction expected. Her arms seemed to bend towards the back of her body, literally lifting her up. Her legs would flail left and right with shocking violence. Her body is bruised from bumping into the bars of the bed and the nurses were forced to wrap her with sheets to prevent her from flapping from one side of the bed to the other. It is difficult to control her because of the brain damage. The gray nuclei at the base of the brain no long allowed the N20 wave to pass through.
She cried often, with what resembled a cry of anguish and discomfort.

Wanting to help Mayline in every way possible, exhausting every possible resource, Emmanuel and Nathalie requested that Mayline receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Fra Antoine, accompanied by Sister Veronique came to offer this spiritual assistance.

During the celebration, Fra Antoine expressed with astonishment:
But this child is alive. Can’t they see this? She’s not going to die!
We know this, Fra Antoine. We are convinced of it!

May powerful and profound prayers be heard! Because prayer know no geographical limits!

Soon, messages from people from around the world began to arrive. Some known, others unknown to Emmanuel and Nathalie and even some from famous personages. Messages arrived from Asia, Latin America, and even from Jerusalem.

Emmanuel and Nathalie’s family had to move. They decided to transfer the child to Nice, in the south of France, to a hospital closer to their home. Mayline was transported by ambulance, while her parents waited to welcome her at the grand entrance of Lenval-de-Nice Hospital.

July 2, 2012 – Transfer to Nice, France

It is now July 2, 2012.
Mayline’s parents were waiting for their daughter at the Lenval hospital in Nice.
When Emmanuel, Nathalie, and Lou-Anh saw Mayline entering the hospital’s grand entrance on a stretcher, motionless, just as they had left her the day before in Lyon, they noticed that something had changed. Her eyes were different; her pupils were sparkling, as though life was shining through them. They were certain that life was once again permeating throughout Mayline’s body.
Emmanuel, Nathalie e Lou-Anh began to suspect about the unimaginable, the impossible – a miracle! It was as if someone turned on the LIFE switch from heaven!
What happened during the ambulance ride to Nice?
The feeding system wasn’t working, but other than that there was no significant change in Mayline’s condition.
The nurses assured us that she didn’t have time to get hungry.
Nathalie was certain that Mayline was alive and well.
The family returned home with a lighter heart, still in shock at having seen Mayline so alive.
The streets passed by silently. Nods, eye movements, raised eyebrows, so many questions swirling in their heads, with no real answer, only emptiness.
How is it possible?
Is it really possible?
It’s incredible, simply incredible!

First appointment with the Nice medical team

The time had come for the dreaded appointment with the medical team and their countless ridiculous speeches trying to convince the parents about the “appropriateness” of the “project” to end Mayline’s life.
Professor Richelme received Emmanuel and Nathalie in a small room on the floor where Mayline was being monitored. A small group of students and specialists from the department accompanied the professor as he addressed the parents. His words were dry and without emotion: the facts and nothing but the facts, no empathy or unnecessary sidebars, just the essentials.
Your daughter’s medical record does not match her current medical condition. The child that was described to me over the phone prior to her arrival does not match what I am now observing.
No, Mayline is not going to die on my watch.
But neither will she will fully recover, because she will be severely
She will not be aware of her surroundings, unable to communicate with you.
She will not be able to do anything on her own.
At most, she will be able to move her eyes.
Maybe one day she will eat a few spoonfuls on her own, but I cannot even assure you of that.
As for walking, impossible, just forget it. She will certainly be bedridden.
Thus, the medical experts affirm that Mayline will not die, but will have to remain in a kind of a coma, immersed in the clouds.
I want you to be fully aware of this, because it will be an extremely heavy burden to carry, a choice that will irrevocably change your lives, an exhausting burden on the people around you.
What seemed to be terrible news for the doctor was a joyful victory for Mayline’s parents!

July 22nd 2012 – Consciousness

In order to give Mayline some semblance of life, the medical staff set out to place her in an upright position to allow her to sit up.
Dr. Fornari took advantage of the opportunity to subject her to some physical flexion and movement tests to assess Mayline’s level of disability.
During one of the maneuvers, he discreetly turned to his colleague and whispered in a barely audible manner: This is strange… really strange!
He repeated:
This is strange!
Emmanuel interrupted and asked bluntly:
What is so strange?
With so much damage incurred, she shouldn’t be doing this, she should NOT be reacting to this test.
Once again, the doctor moved his hands around Mayline’s legs, applying pressure in a particular axis and perceived resistance on Mayline’s part. He took some notes and finished the visit.
Mayline, now in Nathalie’s arms, enjoyed a few rare moments with her mother and, unexpectedly, whispered:
Nathalie and Emmanuel looked at each other. Emmanuel smiled.
Come on my little one, you can do it!
Nathalie turned to Doctor Fornai, who affirmed:
Yes, I get it, she said “mamma”!
Finally, Emmanuel e Nathalie felt listened to and their hearts were filled with hope.

December 7, 2012 – First signs of recovery

Professor Richelme was always on the run between all his consultations. Mayline arrived a little early for her appointment with him shortly before Christmas. Emmanuel and Mayline walked together, holding hands. They introduced themselves to the secretary:
We have an appointment with Professor Richelme at 5:00 p.m. My name is Tran and I’m here with Mayline.
Hello Mayline, greetings Mr. Tran. Please have a seat in the waiting room. The Professor will be here soon. He is a bit behind schedule.
Of course. Come on, Mayline, let’s go sit in the waiting room.
There was a huge aquarium in the waiting room and Mayline decided to go and look at the fish. Holding on to the chairs along the way, she walked to the aquarium and placed her hands on it as she scanned the fish, one by one.
Are they nice Mayline?
Yes, daddy.
Just then, the door opened, and the doctor appeared. He was dressed in a long coat and was carrying a number of Christmas presents. He stood motionless, without saying a word of greeting, when suddenly, while looking at the little girl who was still intrigued by the fish, he said:
Yes, that’s her! Emmanuel answered with a touch of satisfaction and pride.
Mayline, the child who was not supposed to be able to move only her eyes. Mayline, who was never again supposed to be aware of her surroundings!
Come Mayline; let us play some games in my office, said the doctor.
The professor began by having her do some basic exercises, followed by others more focused and aimed at providing needed information.
It’s amazing to see what you can do, Mayline, Bravo!
Impressive. Really impressive, said the doctor.
It’s because she had progressed so much that I pestered you a bit with my videos and photos, I apologize, interjected Emmanuel.
No no, you did the right thing, affirmed the doctor.
But I simply couldn’t imagine that she could stand up straight by herself.
So how is this possible? asked Emmanuel..
Humm children are resourceful and can surprise us sometimes, noted
the doctor.
-Yes, but we are now really far from the initial prognosis and plan.
This is true, but you should know that a simple walk for me and you is extremely complicated for Mayline. Standing up straight is one thing, but taking a walk is much more complex. She will probably be able to walk a few meters, perhaps even 20 meters. But beyond that, it gets really complicated.
I don’t want to leave you with the wrong impression.
Emmanuel responded, You know, we take whatever Mayline offers us. First, she was supposed to die, then be bedridden for life at best. Now she is walking! We are patient! Yet, when I think about how we could have ended her life, I shudder: how terrible!
The doctor interjected, You know that every year, children drown in the Lenval.
They suffer the same anoxia, as did Mayline. But, very, very few of them even survive. And those who do are extremely handicapped and become an almost unsurmountable burden for the parents.
We are rarely wrong.
But even when we are mistaken, the results are not that far from our initial evaluations.
But with Mayline, something truly impressive has happened.
Finally, the professor concluded:
I think that Mayline may be able to return to school after Easter.
This last sentence took Emmanuel by surprise. Mayline’s rehabilitation had not yet begun and the Professor was already planning to have her resume normal school classes – the same Professor that wanted to prepare them for a life of extreme hardship supporting a severely handicapped child!
Really? You thing this would be possible? Responded Emmanuel.
Well, she has made such remarkable progress so far, there is no reason to think that it will stop at this point, with cautious reservations, naturally! The doctor retorted.
At the end of the consultation, the doctor wrote only two words in Mayline’s medical log – in bold capital letters:

April 2013– Time for Progress

The medical consultations are now more regular, and for good reason. No one understands why Mayline is progressing so quickly, why she is able to perform one feat after another when just a few months ago nothing seemed possible.

It is now April 2013; ten months after Mayline came out of her coma. Approximately ten months because no one could say exactly when and if she came out of it.

There were several phases to her remarkable recovery: First – Mayline will die,
Then, Mayline will be bedridden all her life,

Then, Mayline will not have any awareness of her surroundings, she will be unable to speak,

Finally, Mayline will never be able to walk.
Now she is doing everything she was never supposed to be able to do!
But Emmanuel and Nathalie knew that life had reappeared in Mayline on
July 2, 2012.
Miracles do happen, it’s a fact!
So you doctors, how do you explain it?

Another appointment with Professor Richelme, who affirmed that we have to start the exercises again, always the same ones, to measure her progress.

“Mayline has made a lot of progress, it’s impressive,” he said in amazement.
Emmanuel responded, yes, she’s a fighter. She doesn’t give up and tries until she gets there. Sometimes it takes longer but she always gets there.
It is certain that she is acting intentionally! Confirmed the doctor.
Emmanuel then asked: For ten months now, we have been presented with worst-case scenarios, always being told what Mayline will never be able to do. Yet, no one has ever told us what she will be able to do. We have been told what she was never supposed have been able to accomplish what she is now doing! So how is it possible that she could do all this?
The doctor was silent. After a few moments, he responded:
– Let me explain with a simple metaphor. Imagine that you are driving in a car. OK, you’re driving along, and suddenly you run out of gas. You pull over. What happens?
Well, my engine stops! Emmanuel answered with conviction.
Exactly, your engine stops. You turn off the engine, wait a few moments, and then you decide to turn the key to start the motor again. Then, all of a sudden, your engine restarts and you can drive on without gas. Then the doctor asked: Is that possible?
No, it’s impossible, retorted Emmanuel.
-Exactly, said the doctor. it’s impossible. Yet, that is Mayline!
The professor understood very well that this was the explanation that was expected. With these simple words, he succeeded in expressing his conviction that the progress made by Mayline was not only unthinkable; it was simply impossible! There was no explanation for it. Indeed, how is it possible that the entire emergency reanimation medical team, all of the neurologists, and countless medical experts were incorrect in their diagnosis? Were they all mistaken about Mayline’s condition?

May 2013 – Medical verification

In any case, Professor Richelme booked another consultation to test
Mayline’s somatosensory potentials a few days later.

Perhaps this might help him have a bit more compassion, thought Emmanuel!

Now, Emmanuel and Nathalie were certain that it was a miracle. They were convinced that all of the prayers resonated in God’s heart through Pauline’s intercession. Their gratitude was nothing compared to the value of the gift they now enjoyed day by day.

Nathalie and Mayline were quietly heading towards the examination wing for potential somatosensory tests. It was the first anniversary of the accident, an anniversary that wasn’t supposed to be.

A few days earlier, the professor had requested a new series of examinations in order to find possible scientific answers to Mayline’s physical recovery, which had been so unexpected and without any explanation.

After arriving at his office, Nathalie turned to Mayline and said:
The doctor will do some tests to see why you are doing so well.
Ok. Replied Mayline.
Nathalie continued: So, they’re going to attach little sticky discs with wires to your body and head to figure out how your brain works, ok?
Mayline responded: Oh, sticky pads like before?
Exactly, her mother affirmed.
After waiting a few minutes in the hallway, the doctors invited Nathalie and Mayline to the examination room.
Come on in. But, where’s her wheel chair? Asked the doctor.
What do you mean, her wheel chair? Retorted Nathalie, wondering what the doctor was talking about.
I am sorry to ask you this question, because she can’t walk, the doctor said with certainty.
Well, she is walking, said Nathalie.
This is not possible according to the results of her previous exams.
Really? Nathalie replied – a little surprised.
Can you put her on the table? The doctor was perplexed as he watched Nathalie accompany Mayline to the table.

Yes, of course! Come on Mayline, lie down on the table, Nathalie said to Mayline.
But, did you come walking? The doctor repeated.
Yes, Nathalie answered.
The doctor asked Nathalie to prepare Mayline for the examination, to undress her and to put a gown on her so that she wouldn’t get cold.

The doctor, still perplexed, moved away from the table and after a few moments said:
I will explain how the exam will proceed.
Perfect, we are listening, answered Nathalie.
The electrodes will be attached with a small sticky pad to your daughter’s skin. They will stimulate certain areas of the brain and body with electrical impulses and we will study the results. The doctor explained.
Yes, she already had this type of examination during her coma. Nathalie affirmed.
It will feel like little pricks, but you must not move. The doctor warned.
You understand Mayline, it may sting a little but you must not move, otherwise we’ll have to do the tests again. Nathalie warned her daughter.
Ok, Mommy. Mayline responded.
The doctor then placed all the electrodes on Mayline’s body and head, connected all of the cables to his machine on wheels, and started the examination.
Here we go, little girl, don’t move, ok?
Mayline remained perfectly still. Looking at Nathalie without making the
slightest any movement, or even dystonic disturbance. In fact, Nathalie thought that Mayline probably did not feel any of the electric pricks of the electrodes.

These tests were always perplexing occasions for doubts, anxiety, sadness, and fears. After all, it was with these same examinations that the doctors had initially concluded that Mayline’s death was imminent. Now the doctor reread the reports of the previous examinations. He turned the pages in the opposite direction, going back chronologically. At times he frowned, looked away for a few seconds after reading the last lines. After re-reading them and looking up at Nathalie, he said in a low voice, so that Mayline won’t hear.
Her last tests were disastrous. In fact, she shouldn’t even be here
anymore, and she certainly shouldn’t be walking!
Not expecting any answers from Nathalie – after all, what kind of medical explanation could she offer him? – he continued the test.
Finally, the results were ready, but Mayline remained motionless on the table, waiting for an order to move.
Well done mademoiselle, you did not move at all! The doctor exclaimed.
The doctor analysed the results while Nathalie removed Mayline’s hospital gown and dressed her in her own clothes and said,
I’m very proud of you Mayline, you did not move at all. Didn’t you feel the pricks?
Yes, I did, but you told me not to move. Answered Mayline.
You did well, Mayline. Nathalie affirmed.
Mayline, who was often afraid of not doing something correctly and then being reprimanded, always gave a maximum effort for anything she was asked to do.

The doctor couldn’t understand the new results and said:

May 2014 – Medical confirmation of the cure!

No, this is impossible.
The N20 wave has came back bilaterally at one hundred percent, it’s impossible!
This simply can’t happen, and then, what about the Glasgow 3?
What do you mean, it came back on both sides? Nathalie asked perplexed.
Yes, it’s there, all right; no doubt about it. But this simply can’t be! Continued the doctor.
Don’t I know it! Nathalie responds. In Lyon, how many times have we been told exactly that! So how is it possible?
The specialist paused for a moment before answering and said,
Perhaps the connections were wrong during her examination in Lyon. Perhaps the equipment was faulty. I don’t want to say. Did my counterparts do their job well?
But they didn’t just do one exam, retorted Nathalie. They did three identical exams plus recovery tests; all of them were hopelessly negative. Then a college of five doctors called us in at each exam to explain them to us and rule on her end of life project. I don’t believe that on three occasions their machines didn’t work. We were talking about my daughter’s life! We talked about it so much, so often. They told us that it was irreversible! So how is it now possible?
The doctor remains frozen in his chair behind his desk. Silent seconds tick on. You could hear a pin drop, when suddenly the doctor, totally perplexed, said,
I just don’t know!… I will contact Lyon to try to find out…
Nathalie and Mayline left the office under the more than dubious eyes of the specialist. He still could not understand how this was possible. He watched Mayline walk away; he who had not believed Nathalie when she told him that Mayline did not need a wheelchair.
Although the consultations had been spread over a full year, Mayline’s recovery remained an enigma for the members of the medical profession. After having noted a full – 100% – return of her N20 brain wave the year before, professor Richelme continued his counter-studies to evaluate Mayline’s new abilities, or perhaps simply to understand this impressive recovery.

Following the umpteenth somatosensory potential test, the professor programmed a new MRI for Mayline’s brain.

Mayline had had many MRIs since her accident. One on the night of the accident, another three days later, then another one ten days later, and finally one upon her arrival at Lenval Hospital. The further away chronologically from the date of the accident, the worse the results were. The diagnoses went from obvious trauma, to a necrotic brain, to lacerations throughout her entire brain and basal ganglia. All of this added up to a terrifying diagnosis of a deep coma, with no brain activity or possibility of recovery.
Now Mayline was on her feet. How could this be possible? And why?

A few days before the actual exam, Mayline was invited to the Lenval Institute to discover, in the form of a game and with a life-size model, the sort of “rocket” she would be put into for the MRI the following week. It was an enormous machine, a cylinder that generates a lot of noise when producing the images.
Then came the day of the test. After completing the MRI, one of the
assistants brought Mayline back to her mother in the consultation room.
And there you have it, she was extraordinary!
Really? Answered Nathalie
Yes, I didn’t move at all mom, and I got a candy! Mayline affirmed.
Well, you are lucky! Natalie responded.
I’ll leave her with you while she gets dressed, and I’ll come back as soon as the image results are ready. The doctor replied.
-Ok. Affirmed Nathalie.
Nathalie and Mayline sat in the corridor and waited quietly until the doctor called them.
The moment of truth arrived. The doctor was sitting at his desk and welcomed Nathalie,
-Hello Madam, so I’ll go over the images with you.
-I found her past file to facilitate the analysis.
-Ok. Is Mayline ok? Nathalie responded.
-Yes, quite normal! Affirmed the doctor and added, what does she do all day?
-Well, she does what all children do, she goes to school! Asserted Nathalie.
-Really?! What do you mean, she goes to school? The doctor responded perplexed.
-Well, after her period of coma and recovery in Bandol, Professor Richelme said that she could return to school. So last year she went back to middle school. Nathalie affirmed.
-To whaaaaaaa???, he answered slowly, as if he needed some time to comprehend what was just said.
The doctor picked up the image results from 2012 and compared them with the images that were just produced by the MRI. He looked at them, passed one over the other, then reversed the images. His assistant also leaned over to look at the images.
I’m not crazy, am I? The doctor said to his assistant. I’m the one who did the first MRIs, I know what I’m doing!
Apparently, the assistant didn’t understand either, at least no better than the doctor.

Nathalie sat up in her chair to listen more attentively.
-This is simply impossible, said the doctor.
-What is impossible? asked Nathalie.
-I have never seen this, the doctor said frantically shaking his head in disbelief and added, No, I have never seen this before.
After a brief silence, he continued:
-Well, I’ve never seen a recovery like this one!
-I was the one who did her last MRI, and this is the first time I’ve seen a recovery like this. The brain that had lost volume in a uniform way has regained all of its space. You see? To put it simply: the spaces are completely normal between the skull and the brain. And on this one, you see the difference?
-And then her brain was lacerated, and it has fully regenerated!
-Frankly, I’ve never seen this in my entire career, and I’m not so young
-This is really very impressive!!
His assistant was also stunned after looking at the images that the doctor had given him after he had made his analysis. Then he added, looking at Nathalie:
It is a miracle!
Yes, of course it is, Nathalie responded looking back at him.
Now I can understand why she’s gone back to school!

The Beatification of Pauline Marie Jaricot!

The process for the canonization of Pauline Jaricot began at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1963, after a long and arduous investigation, Pope John XXIII recognized her heroic virtues and declared her as Venerable, Servant of God.

Many files with testimonies of healings were compiled during these years, but without any of these positively and absolutely confirming that an inexplicable event had occurred.

Little Mayline Tran’s file was prepared by the Postulator of the Cause, Father Philippe, who then presented the case to the Archbishop of Lyon on December 8, 2017.

The Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Lyon held an official inquiry from July 20th, 2018 to February 28th, 2019, carefully studying the medical documentation regarding the alleged cure, as well as the testimonies and records of prayers through Pauline’s intercession. It concluded that a miracle had taken place and the results were sent to the Holy See’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

On March 21, 2019, the postulator for the cause, Father Philippe Curbelié, requested the juridical validity of the diocesan investigation.

After a careful and meticulous study of the acts, on April 5th, the ordinary congress of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints confirmed the juridical validity of the investigation.

In May 2019, Mayline Tran was examined at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, (Italy). In November of that same year a panel of medical experts ruled that there is no natural explanation for little Mayline Tran’s recovery.

In December of that year, the theological commission confirmed that Mayline’s unexplained recovery was due to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Pauline Jaricot.

In April 2020, based on these conclusions and after careful deliberation,
the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints presented the dossier of this healing to Pope Francis. On Wednesday, May 26, 2020, His Holiness authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to make the findings public, officially recognizing the miracle attributed to the intercession of the French laywoman, Pauline Marie Jaricot, founder of the Pontifical Society of the Propagation of the Faith and of the Living Rosary.

On May 22, 2022, she will be beatified in Lyon by Cardinal Louis Anthony Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

The recognition of the miracle attributed to the French laywoman, who 200 years ago founded the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, the first of the four Missionary Societies that were declared Pontifical one hundred years ago, highlights her commitment to the service of the mission through prayer and charity. She is a living example for the universal Church of holiness and zeal in the service of the mission of Christ.