Multicultural celebration accompanies pastor installation and gym blessing at St. Timothy Catholic Church
On Sunday, October 20, Father Manuel Igrobay was installed as the new pastor of St. Timothy and St. Luke parishes, and Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone blessed the newly renovated gym at St. Timothy.
The multicultural Mass included a special Communion song in Tongan as well as readings and songs in Spanish.

The Rite of Installation during the Mass included a reading of Father Igrobay’s appointment letter from Archbishop Cordileone by Capuchin Father Michael Mahoney. Following this, the new pastor was presented to the parish leadership, including the Finance Council and Pastoral/Stewardship Ministries Council. Father Igrobay made an oath of fidelity to the teachings of the Church, affirming his commitment to the faith and values that guide the parish communities. He then led the congregation in reciting the Creed.
Archbishop Cordileone emphasized the importance of servant leadership in his homily for the installation.
“[Jesus’] teaching cannot be clearer,” said Archbishop Cordileone. “If we want to be great in God’s sight, which means if we wish to find our happiness with Him, we must take the last place and serve others.”
The Archbishop also thanked Father Igrobay for taking on the position of pastor of the parishes.
“I’m grateful to Father Manuel for taking up this challenge at St. Timothy and St. Luke,” said Archbishop Cordileone. “Father Manuel, these communities are already well-known to you…I am confident you will guide and shepherd these parish communities in the spirit of servant leadership that our Lord teaches us.”

After the Mass, the festivities continued with a special blessing of the newly renovated gym at St. Timothy Catholic School. Archbishop Cordileone took part in the ceremony, blessing both the gym and the crucifix situated in the foyer. The occasion included a ceremonial red ribbon cutting, symbolizing the official opening of the gym, which will serve as a hub for student activities and community events.
Following the blessing, parishioners gathered in the gym for a reception, enjoying fellowship and celebrating their new pastor.