New class of candidates accepted into formation for permanent diaconate

Nine candidates for the permanent diaconate took the first step in their preparation on Friday, August 16, participating in the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders. The ceremony took place at Star of the Sea Catholic Church in San Francisco at Solemn Vespers with Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone.
Deacon Michael Ghiorso spoke to the candidates in his homily, sharing with them the advice he received when he became a new deacon—“First the deacon prays.” At the beginning of his journey, Ghiorso believed it to mean that a deacon would lead God’s people in prayer, but as he matured in his vocation, he learned that it had a deeper meaning. Adding in the Liturgy of the Hours to his prayer life in praying about the ways in which God was calling him to use his gifts and talents changed the way he viewed each day in service to others and also helped him in times when his faith was tested.
“’First a deacon prays,’ directs us to wherever we are called, to accept where we are called,” said Ghiorso. “We attune our ears to the voice of God in prayer. We listen.”
During the Rite of Admission, the candidates were called forward by Deacon Fred Totah, director of the Office of Diaconate Formation. Standing before the Archbishop, the candidates resolved to complete their preparation for Holy Orders, to form their heart and mind to faithfully serve Christ the Lord and His Body, the Church. To each question, the candidates responded, “I do,” to which the Archbishop responded, “The Church receives your resolve with joy. May God who has begun this good work in you bring it to fulfillment.”
We continue to hold the diaconate candidates in formation and their families in our prayers.
Photos: Dennis Callahan