Sisters of Life bring message of hope to the Archdiocese of San Francisco
The Archdiocese of San Francisco welcomed the Sisters of Life October 25-27, with Mother Agnes Donovan, SV, Sr. Ann Immaculée, SV, and Sr. Mary Pieta, SV, spending several days meeting with parish groups, students, and young adults across the Archdiocese. Their visit included stops at Marin Catholic, the San Francisco State Newman Club, St. Hilary Parish, St. Matthew’s parish, and St. Dominic’s Young Adult Group, where the sisters reminding those present of their goodness and how much they are loved by God.
The Sisters of Life, a congregation founded in 1991 by Cardinal John O’Connor in New York, are dedicated to protecting and enhancing the sacredness of every human life. Their ministry includes supporting women facing crisis pregnancies, offering post-abortion healing, and providing spiritual and practical support to families. The sisters embody a mission of love and compassion, affirming that each person is created in the image of God and worthy of respect and care.
At several events, Sr. Ann Immaculée shared a powerful message on the dignity and purpose of every individual. Through stories from the sisters’ work, she illustrated the transformative power of love, faith, and community support, especially for women navigating crisis pregnancies. Her words encouraged listeners to embrace their unique missions and to recognize the inherent worth of every person.
During their visit, the Sisters of Life met with Respect Life Coordinators, Gabriel Project Angels, and youth and young adult leaders within the Archdiocese, sparking renewed energy for the pro-life mission. Their presence served as an inspiration for many, leaving a lasting impact on those they encountered and reminding all of the power of supporting life at every stage.
For more information about the Sisters of Life and their mission, visit sistersoflife.org.