Child and adolescent development

What is Teen STAR?

A sexuality and affectivity educational program age- and developmentally appropriate for children, adolescents, and young adults, which addresses all aspects of the human sexuality, respecting the dignity of the person and Catholic teaching.

TeenSTAR is a curriculum, developed by a Catholic nun (who is an OB/GYN) to teach young men and women about sexuality, from a physical / spiritual / psychological / social / intellectual point of view. It has 3 levels (MS or HS or YA). Now is taught in over 50 countries and now enjoying a renaissance in the US.

Why Teen STAR?
Teen STAR Outcomes
Teen STAR Curriculum

On June 6, 2023 at 2:00 pm we will offer a Zoom presentation on TeenSTAR with Molly Daley, J.D., who was previously in the San Francisco archdiocese and a popular visiting speaker at St. Patrick’s Seminary. She has worked with Deacon Santiago Molina, the Executive Director of TeenSTAR, and in public schools with TeenSTAR on the East Coast. Molly is articulate, personable, and seasoned.

She will present on what TeenSTAR is and why it is both important and very useful for our youth. She will also talk about the value of teaching fertility science to teenage girls.

Archbishop would love to see TeenSTAR adopted by our schools, and it aligns well with at least the first 4 of the “5 Marks of Catholic Education,” particularly #2 (Christian anthropology) and #4 (Catholic worldview). The curriculum can be taught by teachers in a school setting, but also by parents, catechists, etc.

May I recommend TeenSTAR as an antidote for parents concerned about the state of California and their obsession with sexualizing children, including the 2016 California Healthy Youth Act.

Sign up for our next Zoom presentation

When: June 6, 2023 – 2:00pm
with Molly Daley, JD

More info/register:
[email protected] | [email protected]
