Priestly, Religious, and Diaconal Vocations
It begins with the question we ask ourselves, “Is the Master of the harvest calling me?”
The Office of Vocations assists men and women in hearing the voice of the Lord in their lives as he calls them to the consecrated religious life and priesthood. We hope that these resources will assist you as you open your ears and begin to listen to the Master speak to you.
“Priests by sacred ordination and mission which they receive from the bishops are promoted to the service of Christ the Teacher, Priest and King. They share in his ministry, a ministry whereby the Church here on earth is unceasingly built up into the People of God, the Body of Christ and the Temple of the Holy Spirit.” (Presbyterorum Ordinis, 1)
Need help discerning a vocation to the priesthood?
We’re here to help.
Rev. Andrew Ginter
Director of Vocations
[email protected]
Rev. Cameron Faller
Director of Seminarians
[email protected]

Consecrated Life
Women and men religious are individuals who live out their Christian faith as members of a larger group known as a religious community. They vow to share all their goods in common, not to marry and to obey their religious superior. There are many different kinds of religious communities and each community lives according to a particular charism which inspires and identifies them and gives a focus to their prayer and work.
Among the religious there are those who are called to a contemplative life living in a cloister and devoting themselves to lives of prayer; there are those who are called to the apostolic life giving witness to their lives of prayer by direct service through ministries of education, health care, social work, parish ministry and works of peace and justice. All serve others in the spirit of Jesus.

“Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you now are. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” (The Rite of Ordination of a Deacon)
The deacon is called to a three-fold ministry of the Word, Liturgy and Charity. Deacons are ordained to proclaim the Gospel and preach the Word of God. As an ordained participant in the Church’s ministry of liturgy, the deacon confirms his identity as servant of the Body of Christ. As an ordained participant in the Church’s ministry of charity and justice, the deacon assumes the duties entrusted to him by his bishop with humility and enthusiasm. At the core of his spirituality, a deacon puts on Christ and is guided by the love of Christ in caring for all in his charge.